As I write this introduction, a flood of emotions washes over me. This will be my final issue as your Editor-in-Chief, and it has been a privilege to serve you as I allow someone else to take the reins. I feel sadness at parting with a role I’ve cherished, yet a sanguine anticipation for what lies ahead. Guiding the direction of this publication and overseeing the dissemination of groundbreaking research in our field has been my greatest joy. But change, after all, is inevitable, and not always welcome. I’m sure some of you will relish the change more than others.

Throughout my time at the helm, I have witnessed the dedication and hard work of our editorial and review teams, whose tireless efforts have ensured the quality and integrity of each and every article that graces our pages. To many of them, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. It has truly been a pleasure to collaborate with such a talented group of individuals, despite the occasional disagreements and power struggles that are par for the course in academia.

Of course, no academic journal would be complete without the contributions of its authors — the brilliant minds whose research pushes the boundaries of knowledge and sparks new avenues of inquiry. To you, dear authors, I offer my sincerest thanks for entrusting us with your work and for enriching our pages with your insights. Your passion for scholarship is truly inspiring, even if some of you could stand to improve your citation practices. From funding cuts to editorial disputes and all the other metaphorical daggers, academia isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and beneath the surface is a cesspool of egos and agendas, where the need to grandstand often takes precedence over reason and intellectual inquiry. Through it all, we’ve persevered, proving that even in the face of adversity, the pursuit of knowledge remains paramount.

In closing, I would like to extend my best wishes to my successor, whoever they may be. I pray for their good fortune. May they lead this journal with wisdom and integrity, and may they never have to deal with petty politics and backstabbing. As for me, I will take my leave knowing that I have left my mark on this publication, for better or for worse.


James Richards

James Richards
Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Antipaleontological Studies