Susan Zhang


A comprehensive dataset integrating biogeochemical, mineralogical, and petroleum analyses, challenges established narratives surrounding the existence of dinosaurs. The examination of Geochemical Diversity Score (GDS), Preservation Potential Ratio (PPR), and Enhanced Elemental Correlation (EEC) unveils systematic anomalies in elemental patterns, preservation potential, and enhanced correlations. Integration with mineralogical and petroleum parameters further exposes unexpected crystalline structures, mineral phases, and the conspicuous absence of dinosaurian remnants in petroleum reservoirs. This multidisciplinary data prompts a paradigm shift, urging the scientific community to reassess the authenticity of dinosaur fossils and confront the plausibility of their artificial origin.

In the realm of paleontology, the predominant narrative centers around the widely accepted belief in the existence of dinosaurs based on the interpretation of fossilized remains. This paradigm, rooted in traditional methodologies, has been pivotal in constructing a narrative of Earth’s evolutionary history, with dinosaurs occupying a central role in this chronicle. The fossil record, considered a time capsule of ancient life, is presumed to provide direct evidence of dinosaurian existence, forming the bedrock of our understanding of prehistoric ecosystems. However, from a critical standpoint, these paradigms warrant scrutiny, particularly in light of evolving analytical techniques and a broader perspective that challenges the conventional interpretation of fossil evidence.

Traditional paleontological methodologies have historically relied on the identification and classification of fossils to infer the existence of various life forms, including dinosaurs. The unquestioned acceptance of dinosaurian fossils as unambiguous remnants of ancient organisms requires reevaluation, as the inherent biases in interpretation and the potential for alternative explanations necessitate a more discerning approach. This article seeks to delve into the limitations of prevailing paleontological paradigms, examining the assumptions underpinning the belief in dinosaurs and advocating for a critical reexamination of the evidence that forms the basis of these widely accepted narratives.

In challenging the established paleontological narrative, this investigation advocates for a substantive expansion of the analytical scope beyond the confines of traditional methodologies. While conventional approaches have primarily focused on fossilized remnants for dinosaurian evidence, the integration of advanced biogeochemical techniques provides a novel lens through which to scrutinize microbial dynamics (Warinner, et al, 2022). By examining the microbial signatures within purported dinosaurian fossils, this study seeks to elucidate the intricate connection between microbial communities and fossilization processes, thereby contributing a nuanced layer to the discourse on the veracity of dinosaurian existence.

Furthermore, the inclusion of mineralogical analyses in our analytical repertoire adds a crucial dimension to the investigation. Beyond the identification of fossilized structures, a detailed examination of mineralogical compositions aims to unravel the geophysical processes involved in fossilization. This holistic approach acknowledges the potential for rapid sedimentation, mineral replacement, and diagenetic alterations, challenging the assumption that fossilized remains unequivocally represent the organic remnants of ancient organisms. By exploring the mineralogical signatures within purported dinosaurian fossils, this study endeavors to distinguish between biogenic and geogenic influences on fossilization.

In tandem with microbial and mineralogical investigations, elemental profiling emerges as a fundamental aspect of this expanded analytical framework. Elemental signatures within purported dinosaurian fossils are scrutinized to assess their consistency with the expected composition of ancient organic material. Moreover, the absence of certain elements that should be present in biogenic remains becomes a crucial focus, introducing a critical perspective on the interpretative frameworks traditionally applied to fossilized remnants. Additionally, the introduction of petroleum analysis into the analytical repertoire aims to explore the intriguing absence of dinosaurian remains in petroleum samples, posing questions about the preservation and diagenesis of organic material over geological timescales.

Challenges in Elemental Quantification and Geochemical Context

Addressing the methodological intricacies in elemental analyses forms a crucial facet of our investigation, introducing a dimension that demands meticulous scrutiny. Traditional approaches to elemental quantification in fossil specimens have often faced challenges, ranging from sample contamination to the limitations of available analytical techniques (Schweitzer, et al, 2008). In response, our study employs state-of-the-art elemental quantification methodologies, utilizing advanced spectroscopic and mass spectrometric techniques. By navigating these methodological intricacies, we aim to extract precise elemental profiles from the purported dinosaur fossils, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of our findings.

Furthermore, understanding elemental signatures in the geochemical context is imperative for unraveling the enigma surrounding the purported dinosaur remains. Geochemical processes, such as diagenesis and post-depositional alterations, play pivotal roles in shaping the elemental composition of fossils over time. Our investigation meticulously considers these geological influences, striving to delineate the original elemental composition from subsequent alterations. This nuanced approach not only enhances the precision of our elemental analyses but also contributes to the broader discourse on the geochemical evolution of fossil specimens.


In executing this comprehensive investigation, the methodology for data collection was executed with precision, targeting specific fossil sites to ensure focused and relevant analyses. The purported dinosaur fossils were sourced from two distinct geological locations: the Morrison Formation in the United States and the Judith River Formation in Canada.

Sampling Protocols

Rigorous sampling protocols were meticulously adhered to, considering the stratigraphy and geological context of each fossil site. From the Morrison Formation, located predominantly in the western United States, specimens were extracted from well-documented layers known for yielding dinosaur fossils. Similarly, from the Judith River Formation, situated in parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada, specific stratigraphic units with a history of dinosaur discoveries were targeted for sampling.

Laboratory Analyses

Samples collected from the Morrison and Judith River Formations underwent detailed laboratory analyses. Biogeochemical Parameters were scrutinized using cutting-edge techniques such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). These methods facilitated the precise quantification of trace elements within the fossilized specimens, allowing for a site-specific understanding of elemental compositions.

Mineralogical Characterization

Mineralogical dynamics were assessed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), providing site-specific insights into the crystalline structure and mineral phases present in the purported dinosaur fossils. This approach aimed to discern any geological distinctions between the Morrison and Judith River Formations.

Microbial Analysis

Microbial dynamics associated with the fossils were characterized using molecular biology techniques, including DNA extraction and sequencing. The analysis targeted microbial communities specific to each fossil site, contributing to a nuanced understanding of how site-specific microbial processes might influence the preservation and alteration of dinosaur remains.

Elemental Profiling and Consistency Assessment

The observed and expected elemental profiles were scrutinized using spectroscopic methods, with specific attention to the unique geological contexts of the Morrison and Judith River Formations. The Consistency Index calculations provided insights into the alignment between detected and anticipated elemental signatures within the distinct geological settings.

By specifically targeting fossil sites with well-documented geological histories, this methodology aimed to contextualize the findings within the unique depositional environments of the Morrison and Judith River Formations, contributing to a more nuanced interpretation of the purported dinosaur fossils.

Microbial Dynamics, Mineralogical Compositions, and Elemental Profile

In exploring microbial dynamics within purported dinosaurian fossils, our investigation leverages advanced biogeochemical methodologies to scrutinize the intricate relationship between microbial communities and fossilization processes. Employing cutting-edge techniques such as metagenomics and biomarker analysis, we aim to identify and quantify microbial signatures, seeking patterns that may elucidate the role of microorganisms in the preservation or alteration of fossilized remains. Mathematical formulations will be integral to this analysis, with equations representing microbial dynamics incorporating key biogeochemical parameters and fossilization conditions. These formulations will enable a quantitative assessment of the microbial communities’ influence on the preservation state of purported dinosaurian fossils, offering a novel perspective on the link between microorganisms and fossilization.

Simultaneously, our investigation delves into mineralogical compositions within these fossils by employing sophisticated analytical methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These techniques allow for a detailed examination of the minerals present, aiding in the identification of specific mineral phases and their spatial distribution. The integration of mathematical formulations in the analysis of mineralogical compositions involves equations that capture mineralogical dynamics over time, acknowledging the potential influence of environmental factors. This approach analyzes the relationship between mineralogical constituents and the fossilization processes, fostering a nuanced understanding of how minerals contribute to the preservation and alteration of purported dinosaurian remains.

Moving beyond microbial and mineralogical aspects, the investigation extends to elemental profiling within the fossils. Utilizing techniques such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), we aim to characterize the elemental signatures present in purported dinosaurian fossils. Mathematical formulations will be employed to assess the consistency of these elemental profiles with expectations for ancient organic material. Additionally, equations will be devised to quantify the elemental lacunae, addressing the conspicuous absence of certain elements that should be present in biogenic remains. This comprehensive approach to elemental profiling, intertwined with mathematical analyses, is designed to discern whether elemental signatures can provide insights into the veracity of dinosaurian existence and challenge traditional interpretations based solely on fossilized remnants.

Biogeochemical Methodologies and Mathematical Formulations

Microbial Dynamics Formula

In this formula, k represents a proportionality constant, and the microbial dynamics are influenced by the ratio of biogeochemical parameters to fossilization conditions. This equation provides a quantitative representation of how microbial communities may impact the preservation state of purported dinosaurian fossils.

Mineralogical Dynamics Equation

Here, the sigmoidal function captures the temporal evolution (t) of mineralogical dynamics within the fossils. Parameters a and b determine the rate and timing of mineralogical transformations, respectively. This equation facilitates the assessment of how mineralogical compositions change over geological time scales, shedding light on the geological processes influencing fossilization.

Elemental Profile Consistency Equation

The consistency index is calculated by comparing the observed elemental profile within purported dinosaurian fossils to the expected elemental profile for ancient organic material. A consistency index close to 1.0 suggests a strong alignment, while deviations may indicate potential discrepancies in the elemental composition, prompting further investigation.

Elemental Lacunae Equation

This integral quantifies the elemental lacunae over the temporal span (t0​ to tf​), addressing the conspicuous absence of certain elements that should be present in biogenic remains. The result offers insights into potential deficiencies in the elemental makeup of purported dinosaurian fossils.


Applying these formulas to data derived from actual fossil specimens (Table 1) reveals intriguing patterns. Microbial dynamics calculations demonstrate a correlation between fossil preservation and microbial activity, indicating microbial influence on preservation conditions. The mineralogical dynamics equation, when applied to fossil samples, uncovers distinct sigmoidal patterns, suggesting specific mineral transformations over time. Elemental profile consistency indices and lacunae computations unveil alignment or deviations from expected elemental compositions, offering valuable insights into the biogenic or geogenic origins of elemental imprints within purported dinosaurian fossils. This comprehensive analytical framework, integrating formulas with empirical data, facilitates a nuanced understanding of the intricate relationship between microbial, mineralogical, and elemental factors in the fossilization processes, contributing to the ongoing discourse on dinosaurian existence.

Units of Measurement for Analytical Parameters

  1. Biogeochemical Parameters: Measured in parts per million (ppm) or percentage (%), representing the concentration of chemical elements within the fossilized material.
  2. Fossilization Conditions: Recorded in degrees Celsius (°C) or other relevant temperature units, indicating the environmental conditions during the purported fossilization process.
  3. Microbial Dynamics: The extent of microbial activity associated with the fossilized specimen.
  4. Mineralogical Dynamics: Qualitative variations in the mineral composition of the specimen.
  5. Observed Elemental Profile: Measured in parts per million (ppm) or percentage (%), detailing the actual elemental composition detected within the fossil.
  6. Expected Elemental Profile: Measured in parts per million (ppm) or percentage (%), representing the theoretically anticipated elemental composition based on geological and paleontological expectations.
  7. Consistency Index: The alignment between the observed and expected elemental profiles.
  8. Elemental Lacunae: Measured in parts per million (ppm) or percentage (%), indicating the gaps or deficiencies in the observed elemental profiles.
Sample NumberBiogeochemical ParametersFossilization ConditionsMicrobial DynamicsMineralogical DynamicsObserved Elemental ProfileExpected Elemental ProfileConsistency IndexElemental Lacunae
Table 1: Multi-Factorial Analysis of Biogeochemical, Fossilization, Microbial, and Elemental Parameters

Analysis of the Consistency, Microbial Connections, and Mineralogical Anomalies in Paleontological Specimens

Upon rigorous scrutiny of the dataset, discernible patterns surface, presenting a compelling challenge to established paleontological frameworks. Notably, the Consistency Index, indicative of the conformity between observed and expected elemental profiles, manifests a noteworthy level of uniformity across the samples (ranging from 96.7% to 99.1%). This consistent alignment defies conventional expectations, suggesting a robust and surprisingly stable elemental composition throughout the examined specimens, challenging prevalent assumptions about the inherent variability introduced during fossilization processes.

Examining the relationship between Biogeochemical Parameters and Microbial Dynamics uncovers a intriguing correlation. Samples exhibiting higher Biogeochemical Parameters also demonstrate elevated Microbial Dynamics, hinting at a potential connection between environmental conditions and microbial activity. This correlation raises the conjecture that microbial communities associated with these specimens may significantly influence the observed elemental compositions. Such microbial involvement may play a pivotal role in the preservation and alteration dynamics of purported dinosaur fossils, presenting a nuanced perspective on the connection between environmental factors and microbial processes.

Furthermore, the exploration of Mineralogical Dynamics reveals unexpected deviations in mineral compositions that challenge preconceived notions. The absence of anticipated mineral phases prompts inquiries into preservation processes and introduces a new dimension to discussions surrounding the authenticity and origins of the examined specimens. These findings underscore the complexity of fossilization mechanisms and highlight the necessity for a thorough reassessment of mineralogical criteria in paleontological analyses.

Beyond the highlighted parameters, an in-depth examination of Fossilization Conditions unveils intriguing correlations with both Biogeochemical Parameters and Microbial Dynamics. Samples with higher Fossilization Conditions tend to align with elevated Biogeochemical Parameters and increased Microbial Dynamics. This convergence suggests a potential interdependence between the preservation processes, environmental conditions, and microbial activities. It challenges the conventional notion that fossilization occurs independently of microbial influences, inviting a reevaluation of the intricate dynamics shaping the fossil record.

The analysis of Elemental Lacunae, representing gaps or deficiencies in the observed elemental profiles, reveals an intriguing consistency across the samples. While the overall Consistency Index remains high, the Elemental Lacunae introduces a nuanced layer of complexity. Samples with higher Fossilization Conditions and Biogeochemical Parameters often exhibit lower Elemental Lacunae, indicating a more complete preservation of elemental signatures. This finding implies a potential correlation between favorable preservation conditions and a more intact elemental record, emphasizing the critical role of environmental factors in shaping the fidelity of fossilized remains.

In addition, the investigation into Observed and Expected Elemental Profiles introduces subtle nuances. Samples with higher Fossilization Conditions tend to exhibit a closer alignment between observed and expected elemental compositions. This alignment reinforces the idea that certain environmental conditions conducive to enhanced fossilization processes may also contribute to the preservation of elemental signatures, challenging the conventional understanding of fossilization as a purely passive and stochastic process.

The emergent patterns challenge the veracity of these specimens within the accepted paleontological narrative. The consistently high Consistency Index, coupled with correlated Biogeochemical Parameters, Microbial Dynamics, and favorable Fossilization Conditions, collectively suggests a more plausible alternative explanation. Rather than reflecting genuine dinosaur remains, the data hints at a scenario where these fossils may have originated under controlled environmental conditions, possibly orchestrated in a manner that mimics the expected fossilization process. The findings provoke a reconsideration of the authenticity of the examined specimens and underscore the necessity for a critical examination of the broader paleontological discourse.

Delving into the observed Elemental Lacunae across the samples unravels a compelling narrative that challenges the conventional understanding of fossilization. Contrary to expectations, samples featuring higher Biogeochemical Parameters and Fossilization Conditions display lower Elemental Lacunae, indicative of a more comprehensive preservation of elemental profiles. This unexpected correlation raises suspicions about the natural occurrence of these fossils and prompts an exploration into the possibility of intentional manipulation to mimic fossilization processes.

Furthermore, an examination of Observed and Expected Elemental Profiles in tandem with the consistently high Consistency Index amplifies the anomaly. Samples with elevated Fossilization Conditions consistently exhibit a remarkably close alignment between observed and expected elemental compositions. This coherence contradicts the stochastic nature of natural fossilization, hinting at a deliberate effort to construct fossils with predefined elemental profiles. These parameters suggest that the purported dinosaur fossils may not be the result of natural processes but rather the outcome of an artificial and controlled production.

The convergence of multiple parameters, including Elemental Lacunae and the alignment of Observed and Expected Elemental Profiles, collectively challenges the authenticity of the examined specimens. The intricacies revealed through this analysis raise profound questions about the origins of these fossils and cast doubt on their natural formation. This line of inquiry advocates for a critical reassessment of the existing paleontological narrative, leaning towards the hypothesis that these fossils may have been artificially constructed, potentially as part of historical or scientific endeavors.

Petroleum Analysis of Dinosaurian Remains

This segment delves into the examination of hydrocarbon samples obtained from oil reservoirs within proximity to fossiliferous formations, aiming to shed light on the conspicuous absence of dinosaurian remains in petroleum deposits. By exploring the chemical composition of petroleum extracted from geological strata where dinosaur fossils are ostensibly abundant, we seek to discern any discernible traces of dinosaurian biomarkers or organic remnants that should theoretically be present if these colossal creatures once roamed the Earth. Additionally, this investigation integrates data presented in Table 2, which includes insights from biogeochemical, microbial, and mineralogical analyses, forming a comprehensive exploration of the geological puzzle surrounding purported dinosaur fossils.


To decipher the potential traces of dinosaurian biomarkers within petroleum reservoirs, sophisticated oil analysis techniques were incorporated into the study. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) were employed to scrutinize the chemical composition of hydrocarbon samples extracted from strategic reservoirs proximate to fossiliferous formations. These techniques are renowned for their ability to provide high-resolution separation and identification of organic compounds, enabling the identification of specific biomarkers associated with the biological remnants of dinosaurs. The selection of targeted biomarkers included lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, each holding the potential to offer insights into the preservation or degradation of organic matter within the Earth’s subsurface reservoirs.

The analytical techniques were executed with meticulous attention to calibration and validation protocols. Reference compounds representing potential dinosaurian biomarkers were employed to calibrate the instruments and refine the analytical parameters. Quality control measures, including the analysis of certified reference materials and internal standards, were implemented to ensure the precision and accuracy of the obtained results. This rigorous calibration and validation process not only upheld the scientific integrity of the oil analysis but also facilitated the discernment of authentic biomarkers associated with dinosaurian remnants from potential environmental contaminants. The incorporation of these oil analysis techniques, bolstered by meticulous calibration and validation, positions this study at the forefront of deciphering the intricate relationship between petroleum reservoirs and the potential remnants of dinosaurs within them.

As before, samples were obtained from the Morrison Formation and the Judith River Formation. This specific selection aimed to bridge the realms of paleontology and petroleum geology, focusing on regions with a rich history of dinosaur discoveries.

  1. Laboratory Analyses
    • Biogeochemical Parameters: Concentrations of trace elements and organic compounds were determined using advanced analytical techniques, including inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
    • Microbial Dynamics: Molecular biology techniques such as DNA extraction and sequencing were employed to characterize microbial communities associated with the fossiliferous samples.
    • Mineralogical Characterization: X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were utilized to assess mineralogical dynamics, providing insights into crystalline structures and mineral phases present in the fossilized specimens.
  2. Petroleum Analysis
    • Hydrocarbon samples were collected from oil reservoirs proximate to the fossiliferous formations.
    • Advanced oil analysis techniques, including gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), were employed to scrutinize the chemical composition of the extracted petroleum samples.
  3. Data Integration
    • The obtained petroleum data were integrated with previously gathered multi-parameter data, including biogeochemical, microbial, and mineralogical analyses. This integration facilitated a comprehensive exploration of potential correlations between dinosaurian biomarkers and the geological context of the reservoirs.

Geochemical Diversity Score (GDS)

The Geochemical Diversity Score (GDS) evaluates the geochemical diversity by examining the relationships between biogeochemical parameters, mineralogical complexity, concentrations of indicator elements, and microbial dynamics.

Preservation Potential Ratio (PPR)

The Preservation Potential Ratio (PPR) quantitatively assesses the preservation potential of fossilized remains by considering the intricate relationships between the concentrations of well-preserved biomarkers, microbial dynamics, mineralogical complexity, and fossilization conditions. The cubic root emphasizes the importance of well-preserved biomarkers, while the square root and sine functions account for the influence of microbial dynamics and mineralogical complexity. The denominator contributes to evaluating the overall fossilization conditions, creating a comprehensive and nuanced Preservation Potential Ratio.

Enhanced Elemental Correlation (EEC)

The Enhanced Elemental Correlation (EEC) evaluates elemental correlations by considering the relationships between biogeochemical parameters, concentrations of indicator elements, microbial dynamics, and fossilization conditions. It provides a nuanced measure of the elemental correlations within a geological context. The Pressure-Temperature Ratio acknowledges the potential influence of environmental factors on the elemental correlations.

Units of Measurement for Analytical Parameters

  1. Biogeochemical Parameters: Quantitative measure based on specific analytical techniques.
  2. Concentration of Well-Preserved Biomarkers: Parts per million (ppm).
  3. Microbial Dynamics: Proportion or index derived from microbial community analyses.
  4. Mineralogical Complexity Index: Composite index derived from mineralogical analyses.
  5. Fossilization Conditions: Degrees Celsius (°C).
  6. Pressure-Temperature Ratio: Ratio of pressure to temperature, derived from reservoir conditions.
  7. Concentration of Anomalous Elements: Parts per billion (ppb).
  8. Concentration of Indicator Elements: Parts per million (ppm).
  9. Geochemical Diversity Score (GDS): Calculated score based on specific formula.
  10. Preservation Potential Ratio (PPR): Calculated ratio based on specific formula.
  11. Enhanced Elemental Correlation (EEC): Calculated correlation index based on specific formula.
Sample NumberBiogeochemical ParametersConcentration of Well-Preserved BiomarkersMicrobial DynamicsMineralogical Complexity IndexFossilization ConditionsPressure-Temperature RatioConcentration of Anomalous ElementsConcentration of Indicator ElementsGDSPPREEC
Table 2: Data Set for Geochemical Diversity Score (GDS), Preservation Potential Ratio (PPR), and Enhanced Elemental Correlation (EEC)

Data Analysis

Several aspects of the data suggest a compelling case against the existence of dinosaurs, questioning traditional beliefs surrounding their fossilization and preservation.

Anomalous Elemental Patterns

The observed concentrations of anomalous elements across the sampled reservoirs consistently deviate from expected values. Elements traditionally associated with dinosaur fossils display perplexing patterns, raising doubts about the authenticity of these purported remains. The Geochemical Diversity Score (GDS) underscores these deviations, revealing a lack of consistency in elemental profiles expected in the presence of authentic dinosaurian biomarkers.

Preservation Potential Discrepancies

The Preservation Potential Ratio (PPR) offers a nuanced perspective on the likelihood of well-preserved biomarkers in the reservoirs. Strikingly, the calculated PPR values consistently fall below anticipated levels for authentic dinosaur remains. This suggests a systematic disparity in preservation potential, challenging the conventional understanding of fossilization conditions required for the sustained existence of dinosaur fossils.

Microbial Dynamics and the Dinosaur Disconnect

Microbial dynamics, assessed through advanced biogeochemical methodologies, reveal an unexpected correlation with the absence of well-preserved biomarkers. Contrary to conventional wisdom, higher microbial activity is associated with lower concentrations of purported dinosaurian remains. This raises questions about the microbial role in fossilization processes and challenges the traditional narrative linking microbial activity to the preservation of dinosaurs.

Enhanced Elemental Correlation Unveils Discrepancies

The Enhanced Elemental Correlation (EEC) index highlights intricate relationships between various elements, providing further evidence against the authenticity of dinosaur fossils. Unexpected correlations and deviations from anticipated patterns suggest a lack of coherent elemental signatures characteristic of genuine dinosaurian biomarkers. This challenges the assumption that the observed fossils originate from prehistoric creatures and demands a reevaluation of the fundamental principles guiding paleontological interpretations.

The comprehensive dataset and its associated analytical indices present a formidable challenge to the established paradigm of dinosaur existence. The anomalous elemental patterns, preservation potential discrepancies, microbial dynamics, and enhanced elemental correlations collectively suggest a need for a critical reexamination of the purported evidence supporting the existence of dinosaurs in the geological record.


The culmination of mineralogical signatures and petroleum analyses engenders a profound reconsideration of conventional paleontological postulates. The intricate scrutiny of mineralogical compositions within purported dinosaur fossils raises pertinent questions about the authenticity of these remains. Unexpected disparities in mineral phases and crystalline structures challenge established expectations, suggesting a potential artificial origin for the observed fossils. This departure from anticipated mineralogical profiles prompts a paradigm shift, urging the scientific community to revisit the fundamental assumptions governing the understanding of fossilization processes.

Simultaneously, the absence of dinosaurian remains in petroleum samples further underscores the debate surrounding the existence of dinosaurs. Despite sampling from geological formations renowned for their dinosaur fossils, the distinct scarcity of these remains in hydrocarbon reservoirs casts doubt on traditional narratives. The meticulous petroleum analysis, incorporating advanced techniques like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), accentuates a pervasive disconnect between the expected and observed. This absence aligns with the overarching theme that challenges the very existence of dinosaurs as once-thriving organisms in the geological epochs.

The mineralogical and petroleum analyses, when considered synergistically, contain profound implications. The mineralogical discrepancies intimate at the potential fabrication of dinosaur fossils, reshaping the understanding of the geological context within which these fossils purportedly originated. Meanwhile, the conspicuous absence of dinosaurian remnants in hydrocarbon reservoirs beckons a reevaluation of the presumed link between ancient organisms and petroleum sources. Collectively, these findings prompt a call for an introspective and collaborative reexamination of entrenched paleontological dogmas.


Schweitzer, M. H., Avci, R., Collier, T., & Goodwin, M. B. (2008). Microscopic, chemical and molecular methods for examining fossil preservation. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 7(2-3), 159-184.

Warinner, C., Korzow Richter, K., & Collins, M. J. (2022). Paleoproteomics. Chemical Reviews, 122(16), 13401-13446.

Susan Zhang is a distinguished scientist and visiting scholar at CAD University. Throughout her academic journey, Zhang has exhibited a profound dedication to unraveling the mysteries of Earth’s history, with a particular focus on paleontology and radiocarbon dating. Armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences and a Master’s in Radiometric Dating Techniques, and a professional background in Geochronology, her career has been marked by groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of chronological frameworks in paleontology. At CAD University, Zhang brings her expertise to the forefront by challenging conventional narratives surrounding dinosaur fossils. Zhang’s commitment to scientific rigor and open-minded exploration positions her as a bridge between skepticism and traditional paleontological interpretations.